The Meaningfulness of Life

Narrow Alleys

The Perfect Shape
Insight - Article: August 22, 2005
Insight - Article: July 4, 2005
It's so hot in Saigon - Article: January 23, 2005
The Meaningfulness - Article: February 3, 2005
Hanoi - Article: November, 1996
Sublime Reality - Article: November 18, 2004
Head over wheels in love - Article: June 24, 2004
Com Binh Dan - Article: March 4, 2004
Narrow Alleys - Article: November 9, 2004


Alley (Webster’s Dictionary Definition) a narrow street; especially : a thoroughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings


In the middle of the steaming hot bustling activity of Ho Chi Minh City you can get away from at all by turning off a major road into one of millions of the city’s narrow alley ways whether you intend to or accidentally got lost.  It’s amazing that people confidently buzz through these tight corridors on their motorbikes that are busy with people going about their daily lives.

When navigating these tight corridors you'll be suprised to see so much activity from people sitting on stools eating noodles, people playing a full court game of soccer, and vendors selling anything from cigarettes to clothes.


One sure way to end up in these alleys is trying to find a place such as a friend’s house or a restaurant for the first time.  As you enter on of these various mazes you can easily lose your orientation which makes getting out later on another adventure.  What’s amazing about these alleys is not only the narrowness, the endless turns, but also what you find in them.  Contrary to the danger you imagine when you  think of  the dark alleys in Hollywood movies, alleys in most of Saigon are just thoroughfare that are bustling with life..


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